Global Futures Global Futures

The research in this project will assess how changes in global trading regimes, mandates for biofuels and energy prices, land degradation, and climate change affect human well-being. Additionally, it will consider how these trends affect developing countries' progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals of reducing hunger, malnutrition, and poverty. The analysis will improve upon previous research by incorporating:

  • detailed location-specific data;
  • climate, soil type, crop variety, and other critical variables;
  • improved measurement of effects on human welfare; and
  • the impact of potential agricultural investments on economic growth, incomes, and
  • poverty alleviation.

The project is using the DSSAT family of crop models and makes global runs. The objective to use the crop models outputs as inputs (i.e. intrinsic productivity rate changed according to climate scenarios but also technologies changes) for IMPACT model.