Germany: |  Kurt-Christiaan Kersebaum | Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research(ZALF)  | |  Moritz Reckling | Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research(ZALF)  |
|  Dr. Rolf Peters | Potato Consult UG  | | |
Poland: |  Katarzyna Mizak | IUNG Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation  | |  Anna Nieróbca | IUNG Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation  |
|  Krystyna Zarzyńska | Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute–National Research Institute in Radzików, Jadwisin Division, Potato Agronomy Department  | |  Dominika Boguszewska-Mankowska | Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute–National Research Institute in Radzików, Jadwisin Division, Potato Agronomy Department  |
Netherlands: |  Bert Rijk | Wageningen UR Plant Production Systems (WUR-PPS)  | |  Joao Nunes da Silva | Wageningen UR Plant Production Systems (WUR-PPS)  |
|  Edwin Geling | Wageningen UR Plant Production Systems (WUR-PPS)  | | |
Spain: |  Inés Mínguez | CEIGRAM  | |  Alba Castaneda Vera | CEIGRAM  |
Denmark: |  Jørgen Olesen | Aarhus University, Department of agroecology | |  Behzad Sharif | Aarhus University, Department of agroecology |
Ukraine: |  Andrii Kolotii | Space Research Institute  | |  Tetiana Adamenko | Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center (UHMC)  |
|  Oleksii Kryvobok | Satellite Application Lab, Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute (UHMI)  | |  Oleksandr Kryvoshein | Satellite Application Lab, Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute (UHMI)  |
Portugal: |  Benvindo Martins Maçãs | Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária (INIAV)  | |  José Norberto Prates Coutinho | Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária (INIAV)  |
Czech Republic: |  Mirek Trnka | Institute of Agriculture Systems and Bioclimatology Mendel University, Brno Global Change Research Centre Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic  | |  Petr Hlavinka | Institute of Agriculture Systems and Bioclimatology Mendel University, Brno Global Change Research Centre Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic  |
Bulgaria: |  Hristofor Kirchev | Agricultural University, Plovdiv  | |  Ivan Manolov | Agricultural University, Plovdiv  |
|  Vanaya Manolova | Agricultural University, Plovdiv  | | | |
Romania: |  Viorel Ion | USAMV Bucharest, Department of Plant Sciences  | | | |
Sweden: |  Henrik Eckersten | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Crop Production Ecology  | | | |
United Kingdom: |  Roger Silvester-Bradley | ADAS  | | Christine Watson | Scotland's Rural College  |
|  Daniel Kindred | ADAS  | |  Kairsty Topp | Scotland's Rural College  |
Ireland: |  Joseph Lynch John Spink | Teagasc Crops Research  | | | |
Finland: |  Pirjo Peltonen-Sainio | Natural Resources Institute Finland  | |  Taru Palosuo | Natural Resources Institute Finland  |
|  Frederick Stoddard | University of Helsinki  | | | |
Hungary: |  Nandor Fodor | Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences  | | | |
Belgium: |  Anne Gobin | Vito  | | | |
France: |  Josiane Lorgeou | ARVALIS - Institut du végétal  | |  Hélène Marrou | L'Institut Agro Montpellier, UMR AGAP, Montpellier, France |
Italy: |  Pier Paolo Rogerro | University of Sassari  | | Simona Bassu | University of Sassari  |
|  Bruno Parisi | CREA-Research Centre for Cereal and Industrial Crops  | | |
Switzerland: |  Lilia Levy | Agroscope  |
| Didier Pellet Jürg Hiltbrunner | | | | |
Austria: | Michael Oberforster | Department for Plant Varieties Institute for Sustainable Plant Production AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety  | |  Dipl.-Ing. Leopold Rittler | Donau Soja Association |
Greece: |  Nikos Danalatos | University of Thessaly, School of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Agriculture, Crop Production and Rural Environment  | |  Sotirios Archontoulis | Iowa State University, Department of Agronomy  |
Norway: |  Till Seehusen | Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomy Research  | |  Anne Kjersti Uhlen | Norwegian university of life sciences  |
Slovakia: |  Jozef Takac |  VUPOP, National agriculture and food centre | | | |
Moldova: |  Mihail Rurac | State Agrarian University of Moldova | | | |