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 | Please read the license information in case you are interested in using the data from the Global Yield Gap Atlas. |
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Data from the Atlas is available for use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
All downloads by private companies are considered as done for commercial use. Any private company needs to pay either an 'Individual commercial license fee' or a 'Sponsorship fee' before downloading any of the data sets. With 'private company' we refer to an institution that is established with a profit motive. If you want to see a sample data set, you can download one here or you can ask for it by reaching out to us at gyga.support@wur.nl. Read the full 'Data license agreement' for commercial use here. The general 'Sponsorship agreement' for commercial use can be found here. In case of specific requests, please contact us.
Click here to see the license information and the different types and prices of commercial licenses and sponsorship for private companies. Additional note: Early subscription discount is applicable if you become one of the first 15 sponsors and annual licensees. Learn more about the benefits here.